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How do I buy crypto with PayPal in Exodus?
How do I buy crypto with PayPal in Exodus?

Buy crypto with PayPal in Exodus. Everything you need to know to buy crypto with PayPal in Exodus.

Updated yesterday

What is PayPal, and how does PayPal work in Exodus? Everything you need to know about how to buy crypto with PayPal in Exodus!

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In this article:

What is PayPal?

PayPal is a digital payment service established in 1998. In 2021, PayPal began to provide a service for users in supported countries to buy cryptocurrencies.

If you are in the US, you can now buy crypto with PayPal in Exodus Mobile with a verified PayPal account.

At this time, Exodus does not support selling crypto with PayPal. To sell your crypto, please see our guide: How do I sell crypto using MoonPay in Exodus?

PayPal is a third-party platform. As such, Exodus cannot guarantee the performance of its products/services or that the steps shown and the information provided will always be accurate.

PayPal FAQs

Where is PayPal available?

Buying crypto with PayPal is currently available for customers in the US.

Which US states and territories is PayPal not available?

Buying crypto with PayPal in Exodus is unavailable in the following US states:

  • Hawaii

Which cryptocurrencies are available for purchase through PayPal?

These assets are available for purchase in the US:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)

  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

  • Ethereum (ETH)

  • Litecoin (LTC)

  • PayPal USD (PYUSD) - ERC20, SOL

Which payment types can I use?

PayPal accepts several forms of payment, depending on your PayPal account and where you're located.

  • Bank account linked to your PayPal account

  • Debit card linked to your PayPal account

  • PayPal account balance

Currently, it is only possible to buy crypto with PayPal using USD (US Dollars).

What are the fees for buying crypto?

When buying crypto, fees are included in the total amount shown on the Review screen before completing the purchase.

PayPal also includes a network transaction fee to cover transaction costs. This fee goes to the miners or validators of the blockchain. You can read more about how transaction fees work here: What are transaction fees?

You can see the fees on the Review order confirmation screen before you submit your order.

Fees will change in response to market conditions.

What are the order limits?

Currently, the minimum amount of crypto you can purchase with PayPal is 5 USD. The maximum is up to 10,000 USD. However, the exact order limit may vary depending on your location and payment method.

How do I buy crypto with PayPal?

You can buy crypto with a verified PayPal account in Exodus Mobile.


  1. In Exodus Mobile, tap the Buy & Sell icon.

  2. a) Tap Buy, then b) tap the payment type to select PayPal (if available).

    For more information about choosing a different third-party fiat API provider, jump to: How do I select a different third-party fiat API provider?

  3. Select PayPal as the payment method.

  4. Next, a) enter the amount, and b) select the crypto you want to buy. When you're ready, c) tap Buy.

    The amount you will receive and pay (including fees) will be shown on the confirmation screen before finalizing the purchase.

  5. You will need a verified PayPal account to buy crypto with PayPal. If you already have a PayPal account, to sign in, a) enter your email address or mobile number and b) tap Next. If you do not yet have a PayPal account, c) tap Sign Up.

    If you don't already have a verified PayPal account, you will be asked to verify your account. Continue following the steps on the screen to verify your account. All customers, regardless of the amount spent, are required to go through the verification process.​

  6. Continue to follow the steps on the screen and select the payment method you want to use for your PayPal order.

  7. On the confirmation screen, review your purchase details. When you're ready, tap Buy and Send Now.

And that's it! You'll receive an order confirmation email from PayPal, and your crypto will generally arrive between 5-20 minutes.

How do I select a different third-party fiat API provider?

In Exodus, you can buy crypto with various third-party fiat API providers, depending on the crypto you are buying, your region, and local crypto regulations.

Follow the steps below to choose a different third-party fiat API provider if available.


  1. First, a) select the payment method. If multiple third-party fiat API providers support that payment method, b) the third-party fiat API provider will be underlined. Tap it to see your options.

  2. Choose between third-party fiat API providers based on availability.

PayPal orders

Why isn't my order going through?

Generally, your crypto will arrive between 5-20 minutes.

Some transactions may take a few hours to complete. This could happen if it's your first purchase, because PayPal may need to conduct additional checks.

However, some factors could prevent your payment from going through, which may stop your crypto from arriving.

Ensure your payment was completed:

First, check that your payment wasn't rejected for any reason.

  • After completing your order, you should receive a confirmation email with your order ID. If you don’t see it, check your inbox and spam folder.

  • If your payment was rejected, you may need to contact your bank or card provider:

    • Your bank or card provider may place a temporary hold (pre-authorization) on your funds, even if the payment was rejected. This isn't a charge, and usually, your bank or card provider will automatically release the funds after a set period.

Ensure your Exodus wallet is synced to the blockchain:

If your payment went through, and it's been longer than 5-20 minutes, and you still haven't received your crypto, check that your wallet is synced to the blockchain.

If your transaction has been stuck for a few hours and there's no clear action to take, contact PayPal Support.

How do I find my PayPal order ID?

If you reach out to PayPal's support team, please provide your order ID, also called a Transaction ID by PayPal, so they can help you faster.

After completing your order, you'll receive an email with all your purchase details, including your order ID. The order ID in the email is referred to as the Transaction ID.

How do I contact PayPal Support?

If you encounter any issues while using PayPal, you may need to contact PayPal's support team.

You can contact PayPal's support team by phone or by starting a chat from either a mobile browser or a desktop browser by going to PayPal's website: PayPal Support.

You can also find help and answers to common issues in their FAQ: Help Center. You can find PayPal's terms of service here: Agreements for PayPal Services.

Make sure to only contact PayPal through their official help center: PayPal Support.

Mobile browser

Go to PayPal's website: PayPal Help Center. Then, scroll down and a) tap Message Us to start a chat or b) Call Us to make a phone call.

Desktop browser

Go to PayPal's website: PayPal Help Center. Then, scroll down and a) click Message Us to start a chat or b) Call Us to make a phone call.

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